Sunday, April 28, 2019

Prevention Tips For Spring Water Damage

Spring has started. People have rested from cold dark days and nights of winter. It is one of the most enjoyable time of the year as flowers start to bloom and trees become greener. However, this is the season that brings heavy downpours and severe weather that can result in water damage. It’s not too late to prepare for another storm. Be alert of the possible effects of this season. Protect yourself, your family and your property from spring water damage. You can’t control the power of nature, yet taking some preventive measures can minimize the damage it can bring.

Inspect your roof (Hire a professional if necessary)

A roof over your head is what keeps you and your home protected from harsh weather, wildlife, and even vandals. Your roof weakens due to UV exposure, freeze/thaw cycles, wind and aging materials that could generate leakage, especially in heavy rain. Give your roof a little TLC. Get a ladder, inspect your roof, shingles, flashing, eaves, overhangs, and soffits for any signs of ice dams and other damage. Make sure that it is ready for any change of weather. Get a professional roof inspection to make sure that your roof is damage-free.

Clean the gutters and downspouts, repair if necessary

The main reason that water sits around your foundation is due to improper drainage from your gutters and downspouts. It can travel through the walls and can soak into your floors. Prevent water damage by checking your gutters and downspouts. Make sure that they are free from leaves, sticks, and dirt so water can flow freely off the roofs and away from your home. Add downspouts extension if necessary to ensure that water is flowing away from your foundation.

Make sure the ground around your house is graded away from your home

Making sure that roof and gutters are perfectly working could give you some peace of mind. But there is one thing that you still have to consider, the water should not be staying around your house. If the water keeps drawing back to your house, it can damage your foundation. Make sure that you grade the ground around your house properly, drawing the water to the street.

Check the sump pump in your basement

Sump pumps are necessary to avoid water to pool around the basements. However, since they are just used rarely, they are also not checked often. And, when called for action, it failed. So, there goes a call for emergency water mitigation services. Don’t let this happen. Make sure to test it every now and then. You can call a professional to fix any problems. The tendency of losing electricity during the storm is high. It is better to buy a generator as an alternative.

Is it too late? Are you now suffering from water damage due to spring storm? Time efficiency is the key to avoid hundreds and thousands of dollars in damage. Call us for any water mitigation services. We are available 24/7. We respond right away.

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