Friday, May 14, 2021

How to Prevent Mold in the Closet


Closets can also be the perfect breeding ground for mold growth because of their dark and damp condition. They usually release spores that can spread in woods, walls, and worse, in your clothes. If this issue remains unsolved, it will bring trouble to your household. This article will help you prevent mold in your closet and understand the causes of closet mold infestation.

Common Causes of Mold in Closets

Mold grows in the closet for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most common causes of mold in the closet.


Humidity is one of the most common reasons why mold likes to grow in the closet. Mold grows quickly inside because closets are usually poorly ventilated. Trapped or excess moisture can allow mold to spread in your home. It is a common problem in the summer because high humidity allows mildew to develop quickly and give you nightmares.

Previous Water Damage

If you still can't figure out where the mold in your closet came from, it may be the result of past water damage in your home. Furthermore, water leaks behind walls or in the attic can lead to mold formation, which can then spread into your closets. If you find stains or patches growing on your walls and ceiling, it might be an indicator of mold growth. 

Wet Clothes

Damp clothes stored in your wardrobe can also cause mold infestation. When the mold in your closet absorbs the moisture from your damp clothing, it grows and produces a musty odor. Fabrics like clothes are a common breeding ground for mold, and cotton provides nutrients to mildew, causing them to expand. If there is mold and mildew in the closet, it may spread to new areas such as the walls, carpets, and other furniture. 

Common Signs of Mold in the Closet

Mold and mildew are also unknown to homeowners. Here are some frequent indications that mold has infested your closet.

Musty odor

Open your closet door and give it a sniff. If you smell musty, it means the mold has begun to grow inside. Furthermore, since there is trapped moisture inside, mold is to blame for the musty odor.

Respiratory and allergic reactions

Exposure to mold and mildew may cause severe respiratory illnesses and allergic reactions. Having persistent headaches, worsening cough and colds, sore throat, and skin irritation indicates that there is mold present in your household. Although, no scientific proof that mold exposure causes illnesses, test yourself first to know if the mold is in the closet. If you feel okay outside, but the allergic reactions worsen whenever you are near the closet, it means that mildew is inside.

How to Prevent Mold in the Closet

If you don't want to deal with closet mold, here are some ways to keep it from growing.

  • Keep the closet dry and well ventilated. Allow closet door open to let the fresh air inside and have proper air circulation.
  • Utilize an air purifier to eliminate the odor.
  • Make sure that clothes are clean and dry before putting them inside the closets.
  • Always separate the dirty clothes from the clean clothes.
  • Never put the hamper near the closet, as the mold spores will grow more because of the dirt from the fabric.
  • Make sure to not store stuff on the closet floor to ensure proper airflow. 
  • Never keep clothing inside a plastic tub. Always allow the clothes to circulate air to prevent moisture.
  • Put a silica gel inside the closet to absorb moisture and keep the things dry.
  • Install a low-wattage light bulb inside the wardrobe to help you see what's inside more clearly, and the warmth from the bulb will aid out the dryness of the cabinet. 
  • Maintain the closets and the environment's cleanliness by cleaning the shelves at least once a month.
  • Keep control of the humidity inside by installing an air conditioning system to avoid moisture buildup.
  • Keep the closet door closed, especially in rooms with high moisture like the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Often inspect your home for potential water leaks, as they can lead to mold formation, or employ a water damage restoration company to examine and fix unresolved water damage.
  • Sniff test your closet from time to time, and never ignore a musty smell.
  • Use plastic-coated wire shelves instead, for better air circulation.
  • Hire a mold remediation professional to help you fight the mold inside your closet.

In case you need to remove the closet mold, here are some tips on how to remove them;

  1. Prepare the area and make sure to open all the doors and windows to let the fresh air flow inside before dealing with the mold.
  2. Remove clothes, furniture, and any other belongings near the affected area.
  3. Cover carpets, walls, and flooring with plastic sheets.
  4. Make sure to wear protective gear such as protective eyewear, gloves, and face mask.
  5. If you want to use a chemical cleaning agent, make a bleaching solution with one part bleach and three parts water and mix in a spray bottle.
  6. For a natural cleaning agent, mix vinegar and water or use baking soda.
  7. Spray the cleaning solution onto the moldy area and let it soak in for a few minutes.
  8. Scrub the mold away using a stiff brush.
  9. Rinse the affected area and allow it to dry with a towel.
  10. Call for a reputable mold remediation expert like Superior Restore to help with the cleaning. 

Seek Professional

Dealing with mold inside your closet is a nightmare, especially if you don’t have any knowledge about it. Worry no more as we in Superior Restore offer 24/7 emergency mold removal and remediation services, together with well-trained technicians and high-quality equipment to absolutely clear the mold from your home. For professional mold remediation, fire and water damage cleanup, and restoration, call our local office today.

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